In the area

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A - airport, B - Hilton, C - Grange Estate


There is a block of rooms available for reservation on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at the rate of $119/night at the nearby Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue - map. The hotel is just up the road from the Grange Estate, and we are planning to arrange transportation for the day of the wedding. Center City Philadelphia is within driving distance and the city is also accessible by nearby public transportation. To reserve a room, call 215-879-4000 or 1-800-HILTONS (445-8667) before April 30 and tell them you are part of the Perry/Sampson wedding group.

Other options include the Days Inn Springfield - map a little farther west from the wedding and the city, or a variety of hotels in downtown or center city Philadelphia. Hotels in the city are farther from the wedding site and parking is often more expensive, but if you will be in the area before Friday you might want to book a few nights at a hotel in the city for sight seeing and then switch to the Hilton for Friday/Saturday.

Getting Around

If you are arriving in Philadelphia by bus or train to 30th Street Station, you can take public transportation out to the nearby suburbs where the wedding events take place. The Route 44 Bus runs between 30th Street Station and the Hilton City Avenue (see map). In the other direction, that route will also take you from the hotel into the city as far as Market and 9th Street, or you can transfer at 30th Street Station to the Market-Frankfurt Line of the subway.

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